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Bill Fizer

Founder and Counselor at Crossing Jordan Ministries

Bill Fizer is an ordained minister and has been ministering to wounded people for over 20 years and committed to full-time ministry in 2017. Prior to that he had a training consulting business and has brought that experience to the ministry to develop workshops in various topics that he has seen people struggle and get set free.It is our belief that when we received Jesus as Lord and Savior, we owned the promise of the fullness of Christ. But, just like the Israelites, we too must cross our own Jordan’s. We must face and kill some giants that have ruled our lives; conquer fenced and walled areas of our own hearts to possess what we already own. Crossing Jordan is a biblically based ministry of restoration through prayer, counsel, inner healing, spiritual freedom and direction to help individuals possess their promise. Bill works with individuals of all ages ranging from early life trauma, fear/anxiety, addictions to those looking for spiritual direction or unwanted patterns in their lives. He works closely with his wife of 39 years, Lisa, with couples dealing with marital and family issues.

When not in the office, you can find Bill outdoors on hiking/kayaking adventure or behind the grill. They are his happy place.

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